Tasks and Objectives
Association «Ukrainian Centre for OTC Financial Instruments and Technologies Development» (UCRFIN) is a non-commercial association of business entities created for achieving common tasks and objectives by its member companies with strict compliance with provisions of the competition and other applicable legislation of Ukraine.
Association’s Tasks and Objectives are:
- development, implementation and monitoring of application of common standards, rules and good practices by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs providing services for operations with OTC instruments on the international foreign exchange (Forex) market and on other markets
- turning Forex business into a full-fledged member of the Ukrainian financial industry
- raising the profile and transparency of the Forex business in Ukraine with the help of information, educational, explanatory and other activities
- information counteraction to distribution of fraud schemes harming Forex business reputation
- development of proposals and joint work with public authorities and regulators on modification and improvement of the legislative framework of Forex business
- support of Association’s member companies in representation and protection of their legal rights and interests before public authorities, consultative bodies and business associations
- information and analytical support of Association member companies’ activities on the Ukrainian market